Calorie labeling food for fast food::US order

WASHINGTON:The United state on Tuesday announced sweeping new rule forcing chain restaurants and pizza huts to publish calorie count on menus in an attempt to combat the nation.The US FDA announced weeping rules on this week that will required the chain restaurant and pizza huts across the country on their menus to post calorie count.

On the other hand health experts said that the new requirement gave help about combat obesity by showing the Americans how many calorise lurk in their favourite foods.

The food and drug administration said chain restaurants and vending machines with 20 or more locations will be required to provide customers with complete information about the food.

Similar rules have already use for years in many US cities and states just like California and New York.

This is one of the most important public health policies ever to be passed nationally.

Director of the nutrition policy Margo Wootan said: Right now you are totally guessing at what you are getting.This rule will be changed.

The menu labeling rule also includes foods  facilities at venues just like movie theaters  and the parks.

Perhaps the most interesting element of the new rule was the inclusion of alcoholic beverages which is not the part of the earlier proposal.

The food and drug administration(FDA) officially said: Beverages served in food establishment that on the menus and menu board will be included.But the mixed drink at the bar will not.

Marion Nestle is the professor of the department of Nutrition food studies and public health at the University of New York said that: its much tougher than the original. It never occurred to met that alcohol would make it in.I am very amazed.

The finalization of the new rules was required under the 2010 patients protection and affordable care act.

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